Omega Secondary Glazing Case Study

Insulate a North facing single glazed window with Clipglaze


Insulating an old wooden North Facing single glazed window.

Products used

4mm plate polycarbonate with white easyfix clipglaze edging.

Insulate a north facing window

This window was cold and draughty.  It was North Facing. There were cold draughts coming from this window that they wanted to eliminate. They didn’t want to replace the complete window and instead needed a fairly low-cost solution that was easy to fit themselves.

They fitted 4mm plate polycarbonate sheets (cut to size by Omega) with white easyfix Clipglaze edging with toggles. The polycarbonate was supplied already cut to size by Omega based on measurements the Barrett Crosses had given. Omega were happy to advise on how to measure up. The  Clipglaze edging comes with fitting instructions and they found it easy to cut with heavy-duty scissors.

Products Used:

Mr Barrett Cross says;“  I thought you would be interested in seeing the difference in temperature that the Clipglaze secondary glazing has made.  There is 10° difference between the 2 thermometers.  This was taken on Sunday 07/02/2021 during the beast from the east snow event in Surrey.

If you require pricing or further information go to the Secondary Glazing Products section of our website.

Prevous >> Insulate an Old Wooden Window